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At last, a book that explains Pagan spirituality to non-Pagans in a balanced, accessible way, while acknowledging the natural anxiety many of them may feel when confronted by a son, daughter, sibling, friend, or co-worker who suddenly proclaims, "I'm a Witch!" Wicca and Paganism are among the world's fastest growing religions. Because so many Wiccan newcomers are young, it may be understandably worrisome, even frightening, to many of the parents, other family members, friends, and associates of today's witches. This book offers an objective, honest introduction to this newly popular old religion, while providing comfort to worried readers. Non-Pagans will appreciate this fair and responsible overview of one of the most mysterious-and misunderstood-modern spiritual paths.

New Page Books | 2002 | ISBN: 1564146227 | Pages: 224 | PDF | 1.52 MB

1 comentarii:

:))) asta tre sa o citeasca unii...:P Ariel

19 ianuarie 2010 la 16:52  

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